Curators' Distinguished Professor
Huber and Helen Croft Chair in Engineering
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
E3408 Lafferre Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Email: zhangyu@missouri.edu
Courses Taught
University of Missouri (2003- )
ENGR/MAE 2300 Thermodynamics
Fluid properties, work and heat, first law, second law, entropy, applications to vapor and ideal gas processes.MAE 3400 Fluid Mechanics
A basic course in fluid mechanics. Topics include fluid properties, hydrostatics, conservation laws, infinitesimal and finite control volume analysis, Navier-Stokes equations, dimensional analysis, internal and external flows.
Topics in potential and viscous flow theory, and computational fluid dynamics.
MAE 4450/7450 Gas Dynamics
One-dimensional compressible flow with and without friction and heat transfer. Isentropic flow and shock phenomenon in nozzles and diffusers.MAE 4980W Senior Capstone Design (Advising)
Senior design experience. Topics include reliability, safety, manufacturability, economic, and environmental constraints; design case studies; and industrial design projects.MAE 8311 Heat Transfer-Convection
Principles of heat transfer by convection, review of boundary layer theory, laminar and turbulent heat transfer, temperature-dependent fluid properties, high-velocity heat transfer, and an introduction to mass transfer.MAE 8315 Multiphase Heat Transfer (MAE 4315/7315 before 2012)
Fundamentals and application of heat and mass transfer and fluid flow with phase change; melting and solidification, sublimation and vapor deposition, condensation, evaporation, nucleate and film boiling, and two-phase flow.
New Mexico State University (2001-2003)
ME 240 Thermodynamics
First and second laws of thermodynamics, irreversibility and availability, applications to pure substances and ideal gases.ME 329 Engineering Analysis II
Advanced engineering analysis with emphasis on engineering applications. Topics include systems of ordinary differential equations, Fourier analysis, partial differential equations, and functions of complex variable with focus on analytical methods.ME 341 Heat Transfer
Fundamentals of conduction, convection, and radiation. Design of heat transfer systems.ME 540 Intermediate Heat Transfer
Fundamentals of conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer. Emphasis on the application of combined heat transfer to the solution of problems not accessible at the undergraduate level.ME 544 Topics in Heat Transfer – Multiphase Heat Transfer
Fundamentals and application of heat and mass transfer and fluid flow with phase change; melting and solidification, sublimation and vapor deposition, condensation, evaporation, nucleate and film boiling, two-phase flow.ME 591 Graduate Seminar
Coordination of seminars delivered by invited speakers from outside and inside NMSU.
Xi'an Jiaotong University (1992-1993)
Heat Transfer
Conduction, convection, radiation heat transfer, heat exchangers, and mass transfer.